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Fatherhood the Foundation envisions a future where absent fathers are fully supported and empowered...


Fatherhood the Foundation is a 501c3 Non-Profit organization. We need the community's help to help the community's father's re-engage.

Become a Volunteer

We'd love your support! Get involved and join us whether you're a father or father-figure, a mother, son, sister or brother, we don't mind...

Help The Children

Fathers strive to reconnect with their children, recognizing the profound and lasting effect this has on both individuals and society as a whole. Support us and soar!



According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 18.3 million children, 1 in 4, live without a biological, step, or adoptive father in the home. Fatherlessness is an epidemic that transcends racial, cultural, and socio-economical barriers. Join us in eliminating this societal enigma one family at a time.

Our foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization created to help end the fatherless epidemic, one family at a time.

Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.

-Psalm 82:3 NIV

Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.

-Isaiah 1:17 NIV


Why my life's work is a little about me

Many children and indeed adults, carry a father-wound inflicted by careless or absent fathers. Many men who are now fathers still feel the old wounds inflicted by their own father and Faults. The challenge is to break this generational cycle and create a better place for our children. Mothers will also reap the benefits of more involved and committed fathers. We are talking about education, support, recognition and a mutual sense of achievement for groups of men who together strive for excellence in the most important task of their lives. Men partnering together for a fathering break-through.

What is Faithlessness?

The cost of fatherlessness and the associated harm caused by fatherlessness is very high in emotional, physical and monetary terms. The lack of an involved, protective, committed, responsible and loving father has been shown through social science research to contribute to an increase in child poverty, child sexual abuse, child emotional abuse, child physical abuse, child and adult drug abuse, child and adult increase in suicide, child and adult self-harm, child and adult incarceration and much other destructive and abusive human behavior.

The harmful effects of faithlessness have been documented in many TV shows and specials. "Faithlessness can be defined as the absence of an active, positive father-influence in the lives of children." Faithlessness is both a natural and spiritual problem. It needs strategic and synergistic partnerships that should involve government, business, church, community, faith-based charities and secular charities.

Brian Womack, Founder Brian Womack, Founder

Fatherhood is all about inspiring and equipping Dads to go to the next level as a Father. Every young child believes that his or her father is the best dad in the world. Fatherhood is about preparing fathers to prove their children right, one family at a time.

Knowledge empowers people to rise above their circumstances. Fatherhood Incorporated will provide that knowledge and build community. Together, we can change the culture of fathers who have been absent, remain absent in their families' lives.

My vision is to build one of the best Fatherhood campaigns in the world. We trust that our wisdom and expertise of our team in this field helps you in your quest to be a better Father, or in your research to improve public policy.


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